Break up and depression?

Sharon Chatla
4 min readNov 26, 2020

Say, a break up is the root of your depression? Here are a few ways you can try to get around it.

Precious one, do not blame the other person for how things climaxed though they may seem like the ultimate cause. Don’t play the victim either. Neither beat up yourself ‘bout it. Take your time. Close that chapter of your life. Introspect yourself. Let your flaws surface to your conscience. Take a deep breath. Your flaws may be quite a few or zillions to count. Work on them one day at a time. ’Cause it’ll do you more good than harm by learning from your flaws. Let love be your fuel through the entire process. Not anger. Not hatred. Let your ex go. Let them fall in love again. Let them heal. It makes you more humane.

If things have reached the exit. It’s game over. Move on. Don’t look back no matter how much you wanna do so. Why? What would you gain out of it? A big nothing. You’ll stay stranded in the same place with the same feelings for how long God knows. You’ll also feel miserable with unanswered questions & self pity if you do not make any effort to move past this episode of your life. Never hold back your tears when the memories kick in like a rollercoaster. Take all the time you need for your heart to heal. As long as you’re making progress, you’re doing great!

Don’t hold grudges against your ex. The cause may be broken promises or unaccomplished things. They may mean the world to you. Holding a grudge eats away your soul. C’mon pal, we’re humans. Not androids. We are doomed to mess up all the time. Still can’t seem to let it go, huh? Alright, what about the times you screwed up & your mum or dad or sib or lover or pal swept it under the rug like it wasn’t a big deal? Does that ring a bell? And imagine what would be the consequences if they retaliated like you wanna do now?

Follow your passion while your heart takes its time to heal. That one thing you wanna do the most, that dream that entices you, do it. Be it writing or singing or dancing or designing something, etc. One step at a time. Kindle the fire in your soul. Someday someone who understands you better will cross your path. And you can cherish that person & take better care of that person when that happens. And remember someone out there looks up to you. Be their reason to believe in love again. The more you’re hurting, the more your loved ones hurt. ’Cause you mean the world to them, be it your mom & dad or BFFs.

Why am I writing all this? ’Cause if you’re really depressed, you might wanna search for answers or you got no clue how to deal with it & I wish you would believe in yourself again and rise up to your real potential & make a difference in this world. Maybe just maybe your story can light up someone’s life who’s sailing the same boat as you. And don’t take hasty decisions in this season of your life. It might lead to irrevocable regrets. Seasons change. Everyone goes through hardships. Shake it off. You’ll be fine.

You may feel, “I can not live without him/her.” “You don’t understand me.” But you know you actually can. You don’t need that person to breathe in & out. Your lungs will help you with that. Picture yourself smiling again & speak life into that person staring back at you in the mirror. Dote on yourself. Make a hectic schedule. Like…..maybe hit the gym, read a book, help some elderly person, tune into music or motivational songs, take a hike. Get your mind engaged. You can speak it out to God in prayer. God’s love keeps no record of your wrongs. 1 Corinthians 13:5. It doesn’t have to be perfect. Just pour out your heart before Him.

By the way, no one reciprocates love the way you stereotype it to happen in your head. It only happens in movies & dramas & if you, literally, give a foolproof plan to your lover on how you wann’d to be loved. And trust me, it’s pretty boring, robotic. And the same goes with you. You can’t love n’other the way that person wants to be loved. Welcome love the way it knocks on your door & work from there to become one of the best couple goals ever or you can swing the other way around if you choose to cling all the more tighter to that one person who doesn’t want to waste his/her time on you. Why waste your time on a person who doesn’t want you? The ball’s in your court. Make up your mind to make a difference.



Sharon Chatla

A homoeopath with a love for writing.